Idiots on Parade!

This is another short blog post, largely due to the fact that I am under the weather today -- an aching back and a congested head being the prime symptoms. So y'all can rest easy.

The idiots referred to in the title are those folks who responded to the gas shortages, caused by the pipeline disruption this week, by hoarding gas: loading canisters, and even plastic bags, without realizing that gas only remains usable for a few weeks before becoming useless. Degraded gas will gum up your engine something fierce. I hope it happens to every single one of these bozos.

Because I felt crummy today I didn't get much done. I have a couple of small illustration jobs that I mean to get off my plate this coming week. I also have to get cracking on the cover of Before Baker Street. We did manage to get a few household tasks accomplished, though, so that's good.

I'm reading Robert Heinlein's Tunnel in the Sky and enjoying it, as well as a book on the Indian epic, The Mahabharata. The later is difficult but quite absorbing.

I have also finally decided that I'm done with playing in bands, aside maybe from doing some jamming if the opportunity arises. At this point I haven't even set up my drums in over a year. I no longer feel the urge. After 50+ years, I'm "played out," as it were.

All in all, it's a decision I don't regret. I had my fun, made a few bob, and did my best. That's all one can ask.

Actually, one can ask something else. My boy, Ray Cavanagh, has published his second historical novel -- The Lost Treasure of Cortez. I want you should check it out. Ray's one of my oldest friends -- we go back more than 60 years. His first book, The Amulet of Cananea: Song of Carmelita, is also available. Cortez is its sequel.

Today's art: a relatively recent piece for the fanzine Beam.


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