Blog Post #1; Just what the world needs: another blog!

This being the initial post of my blog, I should give some sort of mission statement. I'm a writer, editor, ghostwriter, illustrator and cartoonist, occasionally occupied as a musician. I'll use this blog as a way of communicating with my readers and fans. It may be profound at times, but probably not very often.

That said, I do take my creative life very seriously. I always have. I have a fairly large body of work in terms of writing and art. Though much of it is scattered hither and yon, a lot of it exists in my files--if you can call a bunch of boxes and files full of manuscripts drawings "files." They aren't in any particular order. I should do something about that one of these days.

I have done a bit of blogging before, but in truth I prefer to spend my time actually writing as opposed to journaling or what-have-you. I did a cartoon blog of sorts a few years back, Iggy's Almanac. I'll include some of that stuff here as time goes by. If I could find someone to pay me for it, I'd draw Iggy more frequently. He started life as a twice-weekly animated feature on the old Prodigy Interactive Service, which started out at the same time as AOL but lost the race due to the inability of Sears, IBM and CBS to decide what the hell they wanted to do with it. CBS dropped out fairly early on, leaving Sears and IBM to duke it out. They never really got on the same page, but for a while it was a lot of fun for those of us employed by Prodigy.

I'll probably talk more about Prodigy at some point; we shall see.

Mostly here I will talk about my writing. I've been writing since I was 8 or 9, and publishing since I was 23. I am now, in March of 2021, 71. That means I have a lot to talk about. I'll talk about what I'm writing, and what books or stories are coming out.

I will occasionally post about my artwork, and include examples. In addition to writing and art, I will also talk about music; bands I was in, gigs I've played, people I've made music with, and perhaps some of the songs I wrote.

I'll try to do all this with reasonable regularity.

To begin with, here's a link to my web site. It needs updating. I keep saying I will get around to doing that Real Soon Now. And maybe I will. Anyway, here it is: There you'll find samples of my art and writing (also my music, but those links are hidden for the time being), assuming you are interested in seeking them out.

Here is a link to an online portfolio of stuff at (There is a bit of duplication, but overall the stuff at Freelanced is a lot more recent.) My Portfolio at

Okay, that's enough for now. This being a Wednesday, I will do my best to update this shambles on Wednesdays and Sundays. Good luck to us all.


  1. If I knew how, I'd edit the font sizes in this post; but there doesn't seem to be any way to do that. I'll be more careful next time.

  2. Hooray another blog! You can edit the font size a bit if you click the double TTs when you're writing a post. That gives you some options on the size of the text.

    1. Thanks... I knew that, and I thought I had gotten everything properly sized, but I see I didn't. And there seems to be no way to do it post-posting. So to speak.


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