Other Early Writing Influences
L ike most if not all writers, I began reading -- omnivorously -- at an early age. But I was drawn to "fantastic" literature almost from the start. I read juvenile stuff like Louis Slobodkin's The Spaceship Under the Apple Tree (and its sequel), the Zip-Zip books by John Schealer, and so on -- the former being chapter books, as I now know, and the latter more like what one would call YA (young adult) fiction now. (I have since tried to find the Zip Zip books, in vain. There were at least a couple of them. Zip Zip and His Fying Saucer was another. Zip Zip was a kid from Mars, who would punctuate his speech with occasional exclamations of "Zip!" which apparently was his way of venting excess "mental energy," or something like that, because human communication was too easy for him.) In the library of my grade school I found the Space Cat books by Ruthven Todd, which I loved. I also came across the Freddy the Pig books by Walter R. Brooks (who also cr...